Member-only story
My Medium Earnings
And my top stories
I’ve been on Medium for a few months and gave up after a rough start. I’ve now come back and am having a little more success. I usually earn less than $3 a month, but this month I’m already on $3.76! Woohoo!
My total earnings on the platform are $30.78
I’ve tried some experimental stuff, some money-related topics, and some AI-inspired ideas. I’ve tried to be controversial and no one noticed, so that fell flat.
My top story this month was on ‘What will life be like in 2050’? It’s earned £1.81. Had a little help with some of those ideas.
This was a close second, a story on Banned Books. So far it’s earned £1.79.
My third-best performer, About Me, earned £1.09. This is one of my better stories, for sure.
What are your monthly earnings? Better than mine?